Full Administration API Resources

The Administration API provides access for appropriately authenticated administrator users to add, create, update, and delete SmartSearch resources.


Calls for the management of databases.

Create Database: Creates a new database

Get Databases: Get a database details

Update Database: Edit the properties of a database

Delete Database: Delete a database

Database Index Rebuild: Run an index rebuild on the database


Calls for the management of archives on a given database. Includes calls for the management of global archive options.

Create Archive: Create a new archive

Get Archives: Get a list of archives

Update Archive: Edit the properties of an archive

Delete Archive: Delete an archive

Get Archive Options: Get current global archive options

Update Archive Options: Update current global archive options

Content Index Rebuild: Run content index rebuild on a specified archive


Calls for the management of inboxes. Inboxes are independent of databases. Includes calls for global inbox options. Inboxes do not currently support editing. Normal procedure for changing an inbox would be to create a new inbox and delete the original, as such no Update Inbox call is defined.

Get Inbox Options: Get current global inbox options

Update Inbox Options: Update the values of inbox options

Create Inbox: Create a new inbox

Delete Inbox: Delete an inbox

Get Inboxes: Get a list of all inboxes


Calls for the management of the field catalog.

Create Field: Create a new field

Get Fields: Retrieve the field catalog

Update Field: Update the properties of a field

Delete Field: Delete a field

Create Table Field: Create a new table field

Get Table Fields: Get a list of table fields

Update Table Fields: Update a table field

Delete Table Field: Delete a table field

Get Lists: Get a list of lists

Create list: Create a new list

Update List: Update the properties of a list

Delete List: Delete a list

Load assembly list: Test load an assembly list


Calls for the management of searches, as defined in relationship to their parent archive.

Create Search: Create a new search

Get Searches: Get a list of searches

Update Search: Update a search

Delete Search: Delete a search

Email Notification Options

Calls for the management of email notification settings, and configuration of the outgoing mail server. These settings are per database.

Set Email Options: Configure the outgoing mail server settings

Get Email Options: Get the current outgoing mail server settings


Calls for the management of stamp annotations. These are global elements, and database independent, currently they are stored both on clients as a flat file and globally on the server. These are currently not respected for use in GSW.

Create Stamp: Create a new stamp

Get Stamps: Get a list of stamps

Delete Stamp: Delete a stamp

DataXChange Sources

Calls for the management of DataXChange sources as defined on an archive.

Create DataXChange Source: Create a new DataXChange source

Get DataXChange Source: Get a list of DataXChange sources and properties

Update DataXChange Source: Update an existing DataXChange source

Delete DataXChange Source: Delete a DataXChange source


Calls for managing an installations registration.

Get Registration: Get the server’s current registration status

Request Web Registration: Submits a request to Square 9 for registration data

Manual Registration: Manually registers the server

Get Features: Get a list of licensed features

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