Is Your Business Disaster-Ready?

3 min • By Sam Young • Posted Oct 30

In the past, business continuity planning may have been far from a priority in the minds of many business executives. However, the recent global pandemic, a significant increase in the […]

What Does Digital Transformation Really Mean?

2 min • By Sam Young • Posted Oct 8

In the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a survey designed and analyzed by Lawless Research found that the virus was a tremendously strong catalyst in furthering digital transformation. The survey showed because […]

How Secure is Your COVID-19 Screening Process?

2 min • By Sam Young • Posted Sep 17

While life is slowly regaining a sense of normalcy as Covid-19 related precautions begin to ease up across the United States, businesses are starting to implement new screening processes to […]

Digitally Transforming the Employee Onboarding Process

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Aug 6

How much thought have you put into your employee onboarding process? Is it reflective of who you are as a company and the value you place in your employee relationships? […]

A New Direction for Office Equipment Dealers

4 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jul 24

Over the recent months, closed facilities and home-based office workers have seriously impacted the need for digital printing services. In a recent survey completed by Quocirca, “59% of print industry executives state […]

The Changing Dynamic of Work: Reopening Your Office

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jun 26

How we work has rapidly changed over the last few months. As you look to reopen your business, creating a health and safety plan is imperative for your employees to […]

Understanding the 4 C’s of Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jun 15

Is your business location reopening or planning their reopening soon as restrictions from COVID-19 begin lifting? While many are cautious about the path COVID-19 will take, there is one takeaway […]

How Document Management Software Solves Your Unseen Digital Mess

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted May 29

If you have eliminated most paper processes in your business, you may be moving toward improved business productivity. Maybe. Removing the paper has helped you eliminate the file cabinet and the […]

The Changing Dynamic of Working From Home

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Apr 30

The lasting impact of COVID-19 is still unknown at this time. Yet some organizations are considering their options for shifting their employees to work remote permanently. A recent Gartner survey found that […]

Best Practices for Remote Access for Businesses

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Mar 17

With WHO declaring Coronavirus(COVID-19) a pandemic, more and more companies are considering their workplace options. As a result, many asking their employees to work remotely as a precaution against COVID-19. With this […]

Part One: Invest in a Scalable Approach When Addressing Capture Automation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Oct 30

Capture automation software facilitates the scanning and capturing of critical paper and electronic documents – such as invoices, contracts, receipts and shipping documents – replacing manual processing. The captured content is […]

Part One: The Art of Digital Transformation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Sep 11

How important is Digital Transformation to your organization? According to AIIM 79% of organizations realize that they must transform into a true digital business in order to survive. When you consider all […]

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