How Recent Accounts Payable Automation Innovations Maximize ROI

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 7

Accounts payable departments are an incredibly effective place to begin automating your office processes. With highly repeatable and time-consuming processes that are prone to errors, bottlenecks, and other inefficiencies, streamlining […]

Benefits of Moving Your ECM Solutions to The Cloud

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Sep 15

Cloud-based software is becoming increasingly prevalent in both business and consumer spheres, with developers as large as Microsoft and Adobe developing cloud-based options for their office and creative suites. Business […]

How ECM Solutions Reduce Paper Costs

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 15

5 years ago, it was estimated that 90% of business information was still being stored on paper (Source: Assoc for Info & Image Mgt). Not much has changed, and paper […]

How Much Is Your Company Spending on Paper?

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 8

Your company works with paper every day, but have you ever considered the amount of money involved with each paper-based process? It goes beyond the paperwork itself. From printing to […]

How Pre-designed Solution Structures Benefit ECM Software Users

2 min • By Sam Young • Posted Aug 14

The flow of business information is often complex. When companies look to improve this flow, by changing key structures or the method with which information is handled, an enormous amount […]

Understanding Paper Costs: 4 FAQs

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Aug 8

How much money does your company spend managing paper every year? Most people do not have an answer to this question, or know how to reach one. Of course, paper […]

Identifying True Benefits of Enterprise Content Management Solutions

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jul 6

A proven solution for paper-intensive work environments, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software allows businesses to become more efficient through the seamless ability to capture, index, process, and archive business documents. After transforming […]

When an Electronic File Cabinet Just Isn’t Enough

4 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Feb 17

Every organization deals with paperwork, which is constantly slowing down the flow of business information and productivity. We all know that by implementing document management software, companies can become paperless […]

Identifying the ROI Benefits of Content Management Solutions

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 1

As Q4 comes to an end, businesses must now take the time to review their P&Ls and finalize a suitable budget for the upcoming year. Visual numerical data instantly shows […]

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