Building Effective Business Processes with Workflow Software

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 10

Every day large volumes of paperwork can become difficult to manage, often leading to data entry errors, loss of information and inconvenient work delays. This inefficient use of time, equipment […]

Identifying the ROI Benefits of Content Management Solutions

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 1

As Q4 comes to an end, businesses must now take the time to review their P&Ls and finalize a suitable budget for the upcoming year. Visual numerical data instantly shows […]

Make the Most of Your Purchase to Pay Process

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jul 22

Essentially every business, regardless of industry, manages a Purchase to Pay process. For financial departments, Purchase to Pay is common knowledge, but those in other areas of business might struggle […]

How Real Customers Leverage GlobalSearch API Functionality

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 23

Paper-intensive companies turn to GlobalSearch Document Management for a number of reasons. GlobalSearch is an easy to implement, easy to use and extremely flexible solution, built to eliminate inefficient paper processes and […]

Document Management Improves Efficiency in Accounts Receivable

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 4

From a manufacturer’s perspective, accounts receivable begins with the arrival of a purchase order. The AR department then manually keys the purchase information into a data application and generates a […]

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