The Simplicity of Capture Automation Part II

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jan 27

In The Simplicity of Capture Automation Part I, we talked about the significant impact document capture has on organizations. Today we discuss ongoing business challenges and how capture automation works to […]

Capturing Gold with Document Capture Solutions

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Aug 25

From gymnastics, to volleyball, track and swimming, every four years the entire world comes together to watch their favorite sports in the biggest event of the summer – the Olympics. […]

The Recipe to Success: How to Serve a Rewarding ECM Strategy

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Aug 5

In the U.S. alone, businesses spend more than $120 billion a year on printed forms, most of which outdate themselves within three months’ time. When you look around your office are papers […]

Streamline Your Paperless Conversion with Capture Automation Software

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jul 15

Moving your business documents to a paperless format can be challenging. But by embracing new document technologies and digital business practices, any company can benefit from paperless solutions by saving […]

3 Capture Automation Tools That Improve Data Extraction

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jul 8

The success of a company relies heavily on efficiency and productivity. Replacing the manual management of business content with automated solutions creates a streamlined workflow of processes, increasing production and […]

How Capture Solutions Transform Data into Business Intelligence

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 24

What is the starting point for your business processes? Is it sifting through a filing cabinet for paperwork? Or is it at your document management system, where you can digitally […]

Document Management Software for the Digital Workplace

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 17

According to Gartner research, a digital workplace advocates new, more effective ways of working with technology to raise employee morale, engagement and overall productivity. Having a document management strategy in place can […]

Why Upgrade from Manual Processing to Document Automation

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 3

How much time do you spend each day manually typing in data? Think about it. It could take hours, even days to process documents and sometimes even longer to find […]

Why Your Document Management Strategy Needs to Go Digital

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted May 27

CMS Wire research predicts that from 2010 to 2020, there will be a 50x growth in digital content, proving that digital innovation is rapidly expanding, and in order for businesses to […]

Leveraging Document Workflow: A Step-by-Step Accounting Scenario

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 18

Wouldn’t it be nice to focus on the performance of your work, rather than managing the logistics of sending, filing or creating time for document collaboration? Automated document workflows enable […]

3 Areas Where Process Automation Streamlines Information Sharing

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 4

Delivering paperwork from desk to desk, requesting written approval, manually searching for correspondence – all of these tasks are inefficient and time-consuming. Implementing a process automation solution can transform an […]

Improve Your Business: 4 Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 19

Accounts Payable (AP) is arguably one of the most critical departments of any company, regardless of industry. Accounts Payable processes often involve paper-intensive tasks including invoice processing, three-way matching and […]

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