How ECM Solutions Reduce Paper Costs

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 15

5 years ago, it was estimated that 90% of business information was still being stored on paper (Source: Assoc for Info & Image Mgt). Not much has changed, and paper […]

How ECM Helps the Departments That Need it Most

3 min • By Sam Young • Posted Apr 15

While Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is applicable to a wide variety of fields and industries, there are some areas where these solutions have proven time and time again to be […]

Are You in Need of a Digital Transformation?

3 min • By Sam Young • Posted Feb 25

Are You in Need of a Digital Transformation? Over the past few decades, more and more companies have undergone digitization efforts. According to, 91% of companies are engaged in digitization […]

Is Your Business Disaster-Ready?

3 min • By Sam Young • Posted Oct 30

In the past, business continuity planning may have been far from a priority in the minds of many business executives. However, the recent global pandemic, a significant increase in the […]

Digitally Transforming the Employee Onboarding Process

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Aug 6

How much thought have you put into your employee onboarding process? Is it reflective of who you are as a company and the value you place in your employee relationships? […]

The Changing Dynamic of Work: Reopening Your Office

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jun 26

How we work has rapidly changed over the last few months. As you look to reopen your business, creating a health and safety plan is imperative for your employees to […]

Understanding the 4 C’s of Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jun 15

Is your business location reopening or planning their reopening soon as restrictions from COVID-19 begin lifting? While many are cautious about the path COVID-19 will take, there is one takeaway […]

The Changing Dynamic of Working From Home

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Apr 30

The lasting impact of COVID-19 is still unknown at this time. Yet some organizations are considering their options for shifting their employees to work remote permanently. A recent Gartner survey found that […]

6 Pivotal Information Management Statistics from the AIIM Industry Watch Report

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 21

According to a recent study conducted by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), the mass of incoming business information is expected to grow 4.2 times the current volume by 2021. Even […]

Spring Cleaning Tips to Consider with Document Management

2 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted May 7

It’s that time of year again – spring cleaning! One area that is commonly overlooked in most organizations spring cleaning initiatives is keeping their enterprise content management (ECM) system up to date […]

3 Must-Have Solutions for Automated Invoice Processing

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Apr 29

The volume of information that must be managed every day is increasing at an alarming rate. According to a study by AIIM, 7.5% of business documents get lost, with professionals spending […]

Customer Success Q&A: The Benefits of Document Management Integration

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Apr 22

Harrison REMC is a not-for-profit electric utility organization, locally owned and operated by the members it serves. Since 1938, Harrison REMC has provided electricity across Southern Indiana and today, the co-op […]

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