Converting to a Paperless Process with Document Management Software

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted May 13

On average, employees spend 50% of their time searching for information while taking an average of 18 minutes to locate a document. Wouldn’t it be so much easier – and less […]

The 4 Value-Driven Solutions of Document Management Software

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Apr 15

All companies face challenges when dealing with paperwork, slowing down the flow of business information and productivity. The solution? Document management software is a tool that can organize and store […]

The Benefits of Document Management Software for Human Resources

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Apr 8

Properly managing internal paperwork is critical for company success, which is why Human Resources is one of the most important areas of business. HR departments are the core of a […]

3 Reasons Your Company Needs Document Management Software

2 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Apr 1

Almost every business handles paperwork – from invoices, to forms, even contracts. As your business continues to grow, paperwork starts to pile up, slowing down the flow of business information […]

Leveraging Document Workflow: A Step-by-Step Accounting Scenario

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 18

Wouldn’t it be nice to focus on the performance of your work, rather than managing the logistics of sending, filing or creating time for document collaboration? Automated document workflows enable […]

3 Areas Where Process Automation Streamlines Information Sharing

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 4

Delivering paperwork from desk to desk, requesting written approval, manually searching for correspondence – all of these tasks are inefficient and time-consuming. Implementing a process automation solution can transform an […]

Improve Your Business: 4 Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 19

Accounts Payable (AP) is arguably one of the most critical departments of any company, regardless of industry. Accounts Payable processes often involve paper-intensive tasks including invoice processing, three-way matching and […]

5 Reasons Why ECM Software is Critical for Productivity

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 12

There are many reasons why content management software is important to your business. Regardless of industry or size, implementing a content management strategy can increase efficiency, security and collaboration. Each […]

4 Reasons to Ditch the File Cabinet for Improved Records Management

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jan 13

Many organizations still rely on filing cabinets to store and protect their most sensitive workforce records. However, today’s office space is being used more resourcefully and bulky file cabinets pose […]

Document Management Software: So Much More than Digital Storage

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 30

It’s a challenge for companies to keep up with the paperwork and electronic files that are routed throughout an office every day. Since keeping things organized is critical for success, […]

Identifying the ROI Benefits of Content Management Solutions

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 1

As Q4 comes to an end, businesses must now take the time to review their P&Ls and finalize a suitable budget for the upcoming year. Visual numerical data instantly shows […]

Make the Most of Your Purchase to Pay Process

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jul 22

Essentially every business, regardless of industry, manages a Purchase to Pay process. For financial departments, Purchase to Pay is common knowledge, but those in other areas of business might struggle […]

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