How to Choose an ECM Solution That Exceeds Your Expectations

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 23

Gaining control of your organization’s content can create elevated efficiency, security, collaboration, and customer service, enhancing your bottom line and allowing your team to focus on value-driving activities. But, let’s […]

How ECM is The Key to Controlling The Tide of Information

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Apr 12

Information is the lifeblood of countless business decisions. Still, as organizations scale and information accumulates, it can become challenging to manage, leading to bottlenecks, security concerns, collaboration issues, and other […]

3 Ways Intelligent Information Management Helps HR Departments Focus on The Bigger Picture

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Dec 21

The human resources landscape has been continuously changing for several years now, and HR professionals continue to find themselves balancing the need for creative, big-picture solutions with the ever-present daily […]

A Two-Fold Approach: Streamline Your Revenue Using ECM-Driven Receivables Processing

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Nov 22

Your Accounts Receivable department works hard to ensure customers pay for the goods and services they purchase from you in a timely manner, but in many cases, operational inefficiencies make […]

The Productivity Plunge: Resolving Accounts Payable Challenges with Automation

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Nov 10

Paper invoices and manual accounts payable processes result in a soul-crushing, profit-sapping productivity drain that smothers innovation and damages your bottom line. But by taking advantage of accounts payable automation, challenges […]

Choosing an Enterprise Content Management Platform: What to Know

6 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Oct 4

  Choosing an Enterprise Content Management System is a critical decision for any organization as this system helps manage, store, and organize a company’s digital content and documents efficiently. No […]

4 Crucial Components to Automate Accounts Payable

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jul 21

The accounts payable process is absolutely critical to ensuring your business pays its creditors on time, but with various approval levels, manual data entry, and stacks and stacks of paper, […]

What Does Digital Transformation Really Mean?

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 11

Adoption of digital transformation solutions has skyrocketed over the past few years with their market size expected to reach USD 8.92 trillion by 2030 according to Fortune Business Insights. What’s […]

Why More and More Businesses Are Making the Jump to Cloud

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Apr 19

As major software developers like Microsoft and Adobe continue to switch their platforms to cloud models, it becomes ever more apparent that cloud computing is now the preferred choice for […]

A Lesson In Digital Transformation: How School Districts Benefit from Document Automation

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Mar 22

With thousands of students per district and multiple academic records per student, educational institutions face the difficult task of storing and retaining these documents. After accounting for the numerous administrative […]

The Path to Innovation: How Square 9 Continues to Deliver Next-Level Solutions to Customers

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Oct 28

Innovation always starts with a goal. Square 9 Softworks aims to democratize digital transformation and herald companies of all sizes into an environment that simplifies document-related tasks. Accomplishing this consistently […]

Get Your Document Capture Solution Firing on All Cylinders

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Sep 1

In the automotive industry, VINs or vehicle identification numbers provide a wealth of information about any street legal vehicle. From the country and plant in which the car was assembled […]

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