When an Electronic File Cabinet Just Isn’t Enough

4 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Feb 17

Every organization deals with paperwork, which is constantly slowing down the flow of business information and productivity. We all know that by implementing document management software, companies can become paperless […]

Advanced Extraction: 3 Capture Automation Tools to Fall in Love With

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 16

According to AIIM research, the number and types of incoming business documents that must be managed is accelerating, causing data capture to be a key challenge in organizations today. For 67% […]

How Capture Automation Software Paves the Path to Efficiency

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 8

In today’s increasingly competitive world, it’s essential to measure daily productivity. To keep pace, your business needs to run as efficiently as possible, especially when time and resources are limited. […]

The Recipe to Success: How to Serve a Rewarding ECM Strategy

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Aug 5

In the U.S. alone, businesses spend more than $120 billion a year on printed forms, most of which outdate themselves within three months’ time. When you look around your office are papers […]

5 Reasons Why ECM Software is Critical for Productivity

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 12

There are many reasons why content management software is important to your business. Regardless of industry or size, implementing a content management strategy can increase efficiency, security and collaboration. Each […]

4 Reasons to Ditch the File Cabinet for Improved Records Management

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jan 13

Many organizations still rely on filing cabinets to store and protect their most sensitive workforce records. However, today’s office space is being used more resourcefully and bulky file cabinets pose […]

Building Effective Business Processes with Workflow Software

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 10

Every day large volumes of paperwork can become difficult to manage, often leading to data entry errors, loss of information and inconvenient work delays. This inefficient use of time, equipment […]

How Document Management Improves Accounting Processes

< 1 min • By Olga • Posted Aug 25

Maintaining a paper filing system is physically demanding, creating unnecessary stress for staff members. A sophisticated document management system that utilizes advanced software to store and manage important documents is […]

Document Management Improves Contract Management

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 22

Contract management is critical for any company, regardless of industry, because documented contracts provide a high level of certainty in business arrangements. Contracts contain the specific terms and conditions of […]

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