The Art of Doing More with Less

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Feb 20

Minimalism, as a concept, is a tool that can be used to better serve the goals you’re looking to accomplish. Minimalism can be used for personal goals that range from […]

Importance of Upgrading Your Document Management Software

2 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Jan 16

Have you upgraded your document management software lately? If not, why?! Staying up to date with the latest, cutting-edge enterprise content management (ECM) platform enables organizations to build upon their document management needs […]

4 New Years Resolutions to Keep Your Business Competitive in 2018

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Jan 9

The new year is time to establish brand-new resolutions that will set you up for continued prosperity in 2018. But why stop at personal growth? Expand your thinking to include […]

Accessibility at its Best! Search Your Business Content with One Click

2 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Dec 19

According to Interact, approximately 20% of an employee’s time in the workplace is wasted by searching for information to perform their job effectively. Believe it or not, that is equivalent to […]

Accounts Payable: Document Management in the Modern Browser

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 21

Many accounts payable (AP) processes utilize outdated and inefficient techniques for data capture and distribution. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, 50% of accounting organizations surveyed have yet […]

Agricultural Growth with Document Management Software

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 14

The agriculture sector is a unique industry due to its strategic importance for both consumers and the economy. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the rise in agricultural […]

How ECM Education Empowers Maximum Business Efficiency

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 7

A well-educated workforce is the key to generating increased levels of business efficiency. But all too often, business owners fail to make employee training a priority. This is especially true […]

Understanding Paper Costs: 4 FAQs

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Aug 8

How much money does your company spend managing paper every year? Most people do not have an answer to this question, or know how to reach one. Of course, paper […]

Ditch File Cabinets, Improve Productivity

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jul 25

Many organizations still rely on filing cabinets to store and protect their most sensitive workplace records. However, today’s office space is being used more resourcefully, and bulky file cabinets pose […]

Solving Everyday Challenges With Digital ECM Transformations

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Jun 12

Documents, data, decisions, oh my! It’s no wonder why paper-driven processes are becoming increasingly overwhelming for businesses to manage. 47% of organizations admit the need to hold something physically remains the primary […]

ECM Integration: Information Chaos into Information Opportunity

3 min • By Alyssa Anderson • Posted Apr 7

Organizations today are drowning in a sea of content and information. Having immediate access to operational data is not only expected, but it is required to run business efficiently. It’s […]

Define Your Digital Transformation with Document Capture Automation

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Mar 10

In today’s increasingly information-intensive world, having the speed and accuracy to efficiently locate, edit, share and store documents – both paper and digital – can make all the difference. But […]

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