How ECM Solutions Reduce Paper Costs

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 15

5 years ago, it was estimated that 90% of business information was still being stored on paper (Source: Assoc for Info & Image Mgt). Not much has changed, and paper […]

4 Key Elements for a Positive Customer Experience

4 min • By Sam Young • Posted Mar 18

All businesses strive to deliver a positive customer experience. After all, loyal customers are the life-blood of most successful models, providing continued business, constructive feedback, and favorable brand awareness. Positive […]

Best Practices for Remote Access for Businesses

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Mar 17

With WHO declaring Coronavirus(COVID-19) a pandemic, more and more companies are considering their workplace options. As a result, many asking their employees to work remotely as a precaution against COVID-19. With this […]

Part One: Invest in a Scalable Approach When Addressing Capture Automation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Oct 30

Capture automation software facilitates the scanning and capturing of critical paper and electronic documents – such as invoices, contracts, receipts and shipping documents – replacing manual processing. The captured content is […]

Part One: The Art of Digital Transformation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Sep 11

How important is Digital Transformation to your organization? According to AIIM 79% of organizations realize that they must transform into a true digital business in order to survive. When you consider all […]

6 Pivotal Information Management Statistics from the AIIM Industry Watch Report

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 21

According to a recent study conducted by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), the mass of incoming business information is expected to grow 4.2 times the current volume by 2021. Even […]

Drive Through Paperwork with Document Management Software for the Transportation Industry

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 25

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Annual Statistics Report, the transportation industry is driving the economy at an all time high, connecting over 7.6 million business establishments with customers, suppliers, […]

What Your Business Can Learn from Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Feb 19

In the new hit Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, home makeover guru Marie Kondo works to help everyday people willfully clear out clutter to “spark joy” in their lives. […]

How to Digitally Transform Your Business in Minutes!

2 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted Feb 4

According to a study conducted by AIIM, when choosing cloud or outsourced services for document and content storage, security (75%) and cost (51%) are the overriding considerations. Businesses are looking […]

Kick off the New Year with an ECM Partner that Creates a Better Workplace

2 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted Dec 17

According to a study conducted by the Harvest Business Review, employees who are happy at work show an average of 31% higher productivity, 37% higher sales, and 19% higher accuracy. Square 9 […]

Customer Highlight: SonyATV Music Publishing Reaps the Benefits of Document Management for Arts & Entertainment

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 1

Whether a movie production company, small agency, or music studio, in the fast-paced Arts and Entertainment industry there is always paperwork that needs to be managed. To operate efficiently, you must have […]

3 Reasons You Need Document Solutions to Better Manage Your Properties

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 16

As a residential or commercial property manager, you need to ensure that the properties under your care operate smoothly, maintain their appearance, and either preserve or increase in value. From […]

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