ECM Software: The #1 Draft Pick for Fantasy Sports Champions

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Feb 13

Did you know that as of 2017, there are 59.3 million fantasy sports players? That’s about the size of California and New York combined! How many of you are a […]

Importance of Upgrading Your Document Management Software

2 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Jan 16

Have you upgraded your document management software lately? If not, why?! Staying up to date with the latest, cutting-edge enterprise content management (ECM) platform enables organizations to build upon their document management needs […]

4 New Years Resolutions to Keep Your Business Competitive in 2018

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Jan 9

The new year is time to establish brand-new resolutions that will set you up for continued prosperity in 2018. But why stop at personal growth? Expand your thinking to include […]

Square 9 & the Rising Tech Industry in New Haven

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Jan 2

What could a relatively small city in Connecticut have in common with groundbreaking technology companies like Google and IBM? New Haven, home of the prestigious Yale University, is in the […]

GlobalSearch 4.5: Everything You Need to Know

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Dec 12

So, you may have heard about the new GlobalSearch® 4.5 from Square 9 Softworks, and how it’s making its mark as the next-generation, web-based solution for enterprise content management (ECM). Sounds great, right? […]

Document Capture Automation Improves Your Work With Data

3 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Dec 5

Your business deals with documents on a constant basis. Without technology in place, organizing the different types of files and contact points for written communication can be intense. You might […]

The Paperless Alternative: Document Management Best Practices

4 min • By Ashley Gonzalez • Posted Nov 28

As businesses move towards automated document management and begin to adopt software to remedy their paper-based problems, many will initially feel overwhelmed or discouraged. With many years of paper-based processes, businesses often […]

Agricultural Growth with Document Management Software

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 14

The agriculture sector is a unique industry due to its strategic importance for both consumers and the economy. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the rise in agricultural […]

Trends in ECM: Web-Based Document Management Takes the Lead

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 18

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) has been a longtime proven necessity for businesses looking to establish more efficient document processes. Also known as document management, ECM has evolved overtime, and continues to […]

Augment MFP Deployments with Desktop Scanners

4 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Oct 3

Recognizing and managing uncontrolled information is an overwhelming challenge for businesses today. A recent AIIM study found that 81% of organizations understand the impact that mismanaged data has on employees, […]

3 Reasons Why Document Management Software is Integral to HR

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 26

Human Resources (HR), a multi-billion dollar industry, handles all employee-related processes that include screening, recruiting, management, and administration of employee records. As a department, Human Resources manages a variety of […]

AP Automation and How it Solves Paper-Based Challenges

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 13

Accounts Payable (AP) departments are responsible for making payments owed by a company to its suppliers. Being that every company has bills to pay, AP processes are critical to revenue […]

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