How Document Management Improves Accounting Processes

< 1 min • By Olga • Posted Aug 25

Maintaining a paper filing system is physically demanding, creating unnecessary stress for staff members. A sophisticated document management system that utilizes advanced software to store and manage important documents is […]

Make the Most of Your Purchase to Pay Process

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jul 22

Essentially every business, regardless of industry, manages a Purchase to Pay process. For financial departments, Purchase to Pay is common knowledge, but those in other areas of business might struggle […]

Taking HR Paperless: 3 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Transition

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jun 26

Increasingly more businesses are transitioning into high-tech office environments with digital kiosks, collaborative workspaces and progressive amenities. Filing cabinets are vanishing as companies worldwide are taking business digital. The office […]

Digital Archiving in the Pharmaceutical Industry

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jun 17

All over the pharmaceutical industry, both businesses and patients depend heavily on the integrity and confidentiality of archived records. In the highly regulated world of drug manufacturers, properly preserving documentation […]

The Competitive Advantage of Compliance Part II. ISO 9001

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 13

ISO 9001 standards are a set of quality management guidelines designed to ensure that superior efficiency and customer service are met through structured document regulations. Commonly a requirement of government […]

The Competitive Advantage of Compliance Part I. HIPAA

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 7

Increasingly more physician practices and medical organizations are moving forward with the electronic processing of patient health information (PHI) in order to stay competitive within the healthcare sector and abide […]

How Real Customers Leverage GlobalSearch API Functionality

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 23

Paper-intensive companies turn to GlobalSearch Document Management for a number of reasons. GlobalSearch is an easy to implement, easy to use and extremely flexible solution, built to eliminate inefficient paper processes and […]

Document Management Improves Contract Management

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 22

Contract management is critical for any company, regardless of industry, because documented contracts provide a high level of certainty in business arrangements. Contracts contain the specific terms and conditions of […]

Document Management Software Improves Efficiency in Human Resources

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 18

Whether a company hires 10 employees or 500, it is critically important that all workforce-related files are properly managed. Failing to do so, can negatively impact the people, policies and […]

Document Management Improves Efficiency in Accounts Receivable

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 4

From a manufacturer’s perspective, accounts receivable begins with the arrival of a purchase order. The AR department then manually keys the purchase information into a data application and generates a […]

Document Management Improves Efficiency in Accounts Payable

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Aug 25

Every company has an accounts payable process, because every company needs to buy and sell in order to stay in business. A paper-intensive process, Accounts Payable departments ensure the timely […]

Calculating Paper Costs for Businesses: 4 FAQs

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jul 14

How much money does your company spend managing paper every year? Most people do not have an answer to this question, or know how to reach one. Of course, paper […]

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