How to Choose an ECM Solution That Exceeds Your Expectations

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 23

Gaining control of your organization’s content can create elevated efficiency, security, collaboration, and customer service, enhancing your bottom line and allowing your team to focus on value-driving activities. But, let’s […]

Choosing an Enterprise Content Management Platform: What to Know

6 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Oct 4

  Choosing an Enterprise Content Management System is a critical decision for any organization as this system helps manage, store, and organize a company’s digital content and documents efficiently. No […]

What Does Digital Transformation Really Mean?

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 11

Adoption of digital transformation solutions has skyrocketed over the past few years with their market size expected to reach USD 8.92 trillion by 2030 according to Fortune Business Insights. What’s […]

3 Key Aspects of any Enterprise Content Management Strategy

5 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 19

The market for Enterprise Content Management solutions is in a tremendous growth period as companies speed up their digital transformation plans amidst unprecedented global market shifts. Estimated at $12.94 billion […]

How Digitally Transforming Your School District Can Lead To Higher Employee Satisfaction

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Feb 10

For the faculty, staff, educators, and administrators in any K-12 school system, paperwork is a begrudgingly accepted part of the job. Districts are responsible for information ranging from student health […]

Why Document Capture is Key to Your Digital Transformation

2 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jul 15

Let’s paint a scenario. Your company has invested in the tools and training to undergo a true digital transformation. Your processes are more streamlined, documents are easier and less costly to […]

Understanding the 4 C’s of Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Jun 15

Is your business location reopening or planning their reopening soon as restrictions from COVID-19 begin lifting? While many are cautious about the path COVID-19 will take, there is one takeaway […]

How Document Management Software Solves Your Unseen Digital Mess

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted May 29

If you have eliminated most paper processes in your business, you may be moving toward improved business productivity. Maybe. Removing the paper has helped you eliminate the file cabinet and the […]

Part One: Invest in a Scalable Approach When Addressing Capture Automation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Oct 30

Capture automation software facilitates the scanning and capturing of critical paper and electronic documents – such as invoices, contracts, receipts and shipping documents – replacing manual processing. The captured content is […]

Part One: The Art of Digital Transformation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Sep 11

How important is Digital Transformation to your organization? According to AIIM 79% of organizations realize that they must transform into a true digital business in order to survive. When you consider all […]

6 Pivotal Information Management Statistics from the AIIM Industry Watch Report

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 21

According to a recent study conducted by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), the mass of incoming business information is expected to grow 4.2 times the current volume by 2021. Even […]

Spring Cleaning Tips to Consider with Document Management

2 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted May 7

It’s that time of year again – spring cleaning! One area that is commonly overlooked in most organizations spring cleaning initiatives is keeping their enterprise content management (ECM) system up to date […]

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