Get Your Document Capture Solution Firing on All Cylinders

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Sep 1

In the automotive industry, VINs or vehicle identification numbers provide a wealth of information about any street legal vehicle. From the country and plant in which the car was assembled […]

How to Find the Right OCR Strategy Based on Your Document Needs

5 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Aug 2

OCR, which stands for optical character recognition, is a powerful tool that has drastically changed how many companies do business. Without OCR, text within a PDF, scanned document, or any […]

6 Features to Look For in a Scalable Document Automation Solution

7 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 8

There is no doubt that dynamic and flexible businesses excel in today’s fast-paced world. They can adapt to market changes and trends much faster and adjust in the face of […]

Why Businesses Are Automating Human Resources and You Should Too

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 2

Human Resources departments have certainly been keeping busy these past few years. Between a massive global shift towards remote work in 2020 and the incredibly high volume of job openings […]

Why Document Capture is Key to Your Digital Transformation

2 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jul 15

Let’s paint a scenario. Your company has invested in the tools and training to undergo a true digital transformation. Your processes are more streamlined, documents are easier and less costly to […]

Part One: Invest in a Scalable Approach When Addressing Capture Automation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Oct 30

Capture automation software facilitates the scanning and capturing of critical paper and electronic documents – such as invoices, contracts, receipts and shipping documents – replacing manual processing. The captured content is […]

Part One: The Art of Digital Transformation

2 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Sep 11

How important is Digital Transformation to your organization? According to AIIM 79% of organizations realize that they must transform into a true digital business in order to survive. When you consider all […]

Capture Beyond Paper

< 1 min • By admin • Posted Jun 13

Capture beyond paper – data comes from many different types of media, sure this includes paper, but it can include so much more. When reviewing different Advanced Capture platforms, think outside […]

Two Common and Effective Use Cases for Barcode Recognition Technology

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Jun 3

Barcodes are everywhere – on your groceries, movie tickets, airline boarding passes, and shipping packages. Both linear and 2D barcodes, like QR codes, store information about an item or product […]

6 Pivotal Information Management Statistics from the AIIM Industry Watch Report

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 21

According to a recent study conducted by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), the mass of incoming business information is expected to grow 4.2 times the current volume by 2021. Even […]

Customer Success: Increasing Accounts Payable Accuracy with Capture Automation

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 14

With a broad range of customizable features, it’s easy to see why so many organizations rely on Square 9’s GlobalCapture document capture automation software to help them work more intelligently with their […]

Cloud Computing Continues to Simplify Life

2 min • By Sam Young • Posted Aug 21

Within the last decade, cloud computing has become a must have capability for many software services. Streaming is now the main medium for consuming music and video, while programs like Google Docs […]

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