How Integrations in Accounts Payable Automation Lead to a More Efficient Business

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 21

Time-consuming processes, difficult-to-locate information, and tedious data entry are all significant hurdles in manual accounts payable processes. While Intelligent information management solutions (IIM) alone can greatly mitigate these challenges, saving […]

How Recent Accounts Payable Automation Innovations Maximize ROI

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 7

Accounts payable departments are an incredibly effective place to begin automating your office processes. With highly repeatable and time-consuming processes that are prone to errors, bottlenecks, and other inefficiencies, streamlining […]

API Integration Platforms in Intelligent Information Management: Unlocking a World of Versatility and Robustness

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 10

By enhancing information visibility, enabling greater collaboration, and providing further opportunities for automation, solution integrations take your digital transformation even further by connecting the applications you use every day. However, […]

How Real Customers Leverage GlobalSearch API Functionality

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 23

Paper-intensive companies turn to GlobalSearch Document Management for a number of reasons. GlobalSearch is an easy to implement, easy to use and extremely flexible solution, built to eliminate inefficient paper processes and […]

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