How ECM Helps the Departments That Need it Most

3 min • By Sam Young • Posted Apr 15

While Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is applicable to a wide variety of fields and industries, there are some areas where these solutions have proven time and time again to be […]

Digitally Transforming the Employee Onboarding Process

3 min • By Alexa Pritchard • Posted Aug 6

How much thought have you put into your employee onboarding process? Is it reflective of who you are as a company and the value you place in your employee relationships? […]

Customer Success: Increasing Accounts Payable Accuracy with Capture Automation

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted May 14

With a broad range of customizable features, it’s easy to see why so many organizations rely on Square 9’s GlobalCapture document capture automation software to help them work more intelligently with their […]

3 Business Goals for Accounting Staff

3 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted Jan 8

The New Year is a great time to refresh your business goals and processes! Did you know – a study by The Aberdeen Group showed that days payable outstanding (DPO) can be […]

Document Management Drives Accounting Processes Across 21 Transportation Locations

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 19

It’s no surprise that the transportation and logistics industry generates a large amount of paperwork and requires extensive audit preparation. From purchase orders to invoices, reports and receipts, the majority […]

The Life of an Invoice with ECM Software

2 min • By Allison Kiely • Posted Oct 23

According to AIIM, 52% of survey respondents say their invoice management processes take at least three days – some up to as many as 25 days – when using manual […]

5 Immediate Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 17

The Accounts Payable (AP) department is all about purchasing and payments. The faster a company pays their bills, the more credit they’re extended. Wouldn’t it be nice to mirror your […]

Accounts Payable: Document Management in the Modern Browser

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Nov 21

Many accounts payable (AP) processes utilize outdated and inefficient techniques for data capture and distribution. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, 50% of accounting organizations surveyed have yet […]

Pairing Microsoft Dynamics with ECM Software for Accounting Practices

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 24

Over 47,000 businesses around the globe are using Microsoft Dynamics® GP to gain greater control over financials, inventory, and operations. And why wouldn’t they? As a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) […]

Trends in ECM: Web-Based Document Management Takes the Lead

2 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Oct 18

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) has been a longtime proven necessity for businesses looking to establish more efficient document processes. Also known as document management, ECM has evolved overtime, and continues to […]

AP Automation and How it Solves Paper-Based Challenges

4 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Sep 13

Accounts Payable (AP) departments are responsible for making payments owed by a company to its suppliers. Being that every company has bills to pay, AP processes are critical to revenue […]

Top 4 Benefits of Automating Your Payables Process

3 min • By Lauren Ford • Posted Aug 15

Arguably one of the most business-critical departments, Accounts Payable (AP) staff work daily on document-intensive tasks including invoice processing, three-way matching, payroll management and administrating payment records. Working with paper-based […]

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