No Tricks; Just Treats! Why digital transformation is worth the investment

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Oct 19

The thought of digital transformation may be scary to some at first glance; change often feels that way. But like many fears, once you face it, you realize there was […]

9 Questions With Square 9 After 15 Years

4 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Oct 1

15 years in business is an incredible milestone for a company, and Square 9 is proud to have shared this experience with our customers, partners, and dedicated team who all […]

Benefits of Moving Your ECM Solutions to The Cloud

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Sep 15

Cloud-based software is becoming increasingly prevalent in both business and consumer spheres, with developers as large as Microsoft and Adobe developing cloud-based options for their office and creative suites. Business […]

How Third Party Integrations Can Enhance Your Experience with ECM

2 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Aug 20

How Third-Party Integrations Can Enhance Your Experience with ECM ECM is used across a variety of industries and providers continue to offer newer, more robust solutions. One of the many […]

Why Document Capture is Key to Your Digital Transformation

2 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jul 15

Let’s paint a scenario. Your company has invested in the tools and training to undergo a true digital transformation. Your processes are more streamlined, documents are easier and less costly to […]

How ECM Solutions Reduce Paper Costs

3 min • By Samuel Young • Posted Jun 15

5 years ago, it was estimated that 90% of business information was still being stored on paper (Source: Assoc for Info & Image Mgt). Not much has changed, and paper […]

How To Get Your Digital Transformation Off To The Races

2 min • By Samuel Young • Posted May 28

Square 9 and our partner DAS Technologies recently supported the Daytona Supercar Rally held in South Africa from May 20th to the 25th. The rally features hefty tar, mountain passes, […]

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